Well, exciting things are about to happen. A few weeks ago I had a bluesy down-in-the-dumps post about a lot of the issues we are facing on the farm. Well, tonight, we start to do something about it!! I am meeting with a timber guy to tour him around the property and talk about some clearing. I also found a source to go to for no-till drilling and other farm equipment we will need to get some of the formerly wooded areas into useable pasture in the near future. It couldn't have come at a better time. Today, we officially filled our empty stalls, and have a tour this evening about possibly taking on a pasture boarder. I am really excited, because both options seem to be very stable, long-term people, and I think we will be able to meet their expectations easily because we are all on the same page with standards of care.
So, after we have a plan in place for clearing, we will begin the next phase of fencing. I have discovered a source for reasonably priced t-posts, and slightly better priced polyrope than we have been using. The plan is to subdivide the back field, and ideally fence in the perimeter of the farm as well. At this point, we will do as much as we can stretch our budget to cover. It seems there is always one project or another floating around to be done. After that, I imagine we will need to invest in a better driveway/parking system, because we will need additional gravel to accommodate the additional boarders and riders at the farm!
I am soaring with excitement, and so ready to wage war on the farm! I know there will be plenty of long hours and sweat involved, but it will be well worth it to see the finished project. I will definitely need to take good pictures of the finished project to show off!
Good going!