Friday, March 11, 2011

A rant or two....

I have a really bad habit of internalizing everything, to the point that I feel like I will explode. Sometimes I feel like I am an afterthought to everyone, until something is needed of me. I think that's all I want to really say about that.... That's mini-rant number one for the day. My second vent is my mare. I swear, anything that can crop up lately, will. I was grooming her last night, and she was so touchy and bothered anytime I went near her flanks. She wasn't colicky, and ate all her dinner, so we are hypothesizing that she is going into a bad heat cycle. She literally couldn't stand for me to touch her back there. She's always been fairly thin-skinned, but never to the point that she would kick out. So I guess I feel better having gotten that off my chest and into cyberland. I think....

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